Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Salsa Macha

This is an essential hot salsa for tacos. It's very easy to make and it adds a very earthy taste that adds depth and balance to acidity of limes, tomatoes, etc. The only drawback (for some) is that it's hot, really hot, hence the name. And the oil means that the heat just builds and builds. I think it's best on fried fish tacos with corn tortillas, but also goes well on everything!

What you need:
Olive oil
Dried Arbol chilies
Dried Chipotle  
Garlic cloves

Add about a cup (2.3dl)  of olive oil to a cold pan. Throw in a few cloves of garlic cloves, a Chipotle and a big handful of Arbol chilies (you can also use dried chilies that you'd get at an Asian or Turkish market). Turn the stove on to low heat.

After a couple minutes the garlic should start bubbling a little and the warm oil should start smelling of chilies. Stir things around every few minutes. After 10-15 minutes it should be done. The garlic should start to become translucent and slightly brown and the chilies will begin to brown just slightly (picture below).  

Take every out of the pan and into a blender or here I used a hand-blender. Blend until everything is relatively smooth.

Done. Put in a jar and it will keep in your fridge for a month or two. Put on everything!

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